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Fall 2022 - Living in God's Promises

Sept 11 - Noah - Genesis 6-9 - Never Again
Sept 18 - Abraham & Sarah - Genesis 12-23 - Blessed to be a Blessing
Sept 25 - Joseph in Egypt - Genesis 37-50 - God Is With Us!
Oct 2 - Red Sea Rescue - Exodus 1-15 - God Will Save You
Oct 9 - Covenant & Commandment - Exodus 19-32 - The Lord Your God
Oct 16 - Renewing the Covenant - Joshua 1-11, 23-24 - Life as God's People
Oct 23 - King David - 2 Samuel 1-12 - Confession & Forgiveness
Oct 30 - King Solomon - 1 Kings 1-4 - Wisdom of God
Nov 6 - Healing of Naaman - 2 Kings 1-5 - Healing of God
Nov 13 - Micah 1-7 - Justice & Mercy of God
Nov 20 - Isaiah 2, 36-37 - Peace of God

After Resurrection

Read: John 20:1-18


Talk about it

  • Before his death, did Jesus tell the disciples what was going to happen to him?

  • If you had been “the one Jesus loved” at the tomb, how would you have felt?

  • Why do you think Mary didn’t recognize Jesus?

  • Earlier in the Gospel stories, Jesus cast out seven demons from Mary Magdalene. Why do you think Jesus chose to reveal himself to her instead of Peter, John, or one of the other apostles?

  • Is there anything that confuses you about this story? If so, it’s okay! Do you have any questions about John 20:1–18?


Closing Thought

Mary Magdalene had experienced a grace that the other disciples hadn’t felt yet. When Jesus cast out seven demons from her, she was delivered, saved, and rescued from darkness (Luke 8:2). Jesus was her Savior even before he died and rose again. His death would have shattered Mary because the man who had saved her was gone. When Jesus appeared to Mary he restored her hope. First Jesus delivered her from demons, then he delivered Lazarus from the grave, and now Jesus conquered death itself! Jesus’s resurrection is the signet ring, or stamp of authority, that all Jesus said and did on earth was truly God’s Word, that God’s relationship with us is not one of condemnation but of unconditional love.


Prayer Prompt

Let’s pray that God’s hope would be ever-present for us today. Pray for healing for those who grieve. And pray that the hope of eternal life would bring comfort to all.


After Resurrection

Read: Luke 24:13-35


Talk about it

  • Imagine you are walking on a road during biblical times, what is this experience like?

  • If a stranger suddenly showed up and wanted to walk and talk with you, how would you react?

  • How did Jesus act with these men? How are some other ways he could have approached this situation? Why do you think he remained "hidden?"

  • What do you think it means to have a burning heart?

  • What does Jesus do in order to be revealed to them? What does this remind you of?


Closing Thought

How could the disciples on the Emmaus road not recognize Jesus? They were returning from Jerusalem, where Jesus had been arrested, tried, tortured, crucified, and buried. Now his body was gone, amid rumors flying that he had risen from the grave. Just a week earlier they probably had walked with Jesus as he rode a donkey into Jerusalem. They had hoped he would declare himself king and take up the ancient throne of David. But instead he was arrested, sentenced, and then crucified. And now they heard tell of an empty tomb and a missing body! As they wandered home to Emmaus, they wondered about what might have been.

We know Jesus rose from the grave, yet we too can still live in the dark about his presence, or even ignore him. At this point those two disciples were in the dark since Jesus hadn’t revealed himself to them. They must have wondered who this person was who didn’t seem to know what had happened in Jerusalem. So they filled him in. Walking the resurrection road is still challenging today. Living consciously and intentionally in Jesus’ presence is a daily challenge. We so readily miss the reality of Christ with us. Yet this is our hope: Christ is with us whether we recognize him or not. Don’t intentionally ignore him. Look for him. Immanuel, “God with us,” walks with us.


Prayer Prompt

Pray that God will reveal God's presence to you in the every day activities, like taking a walk or a meal. 


Optional Activity

Take a walk. Find a road with little to no traffic and set your mind on walking a certain distance. As you walk, walk in silence. Observe the world around you. Look for signs of God. Have a conversation with God about where you see God and where you wish you would see God. Let God know what's going on in your life right now. 


The Day of Pentecost

Read: Acts 2


Setting up the Story

The apostles who followed Jesus for three years before he died were constantly bewildered by Jesus. What Jesus said and did was so different than what they had heard for years from their religious leaders. When Jesus was in his moment of greatest need, they all fled. But after Jesus was resurrected, a new courage came upon the apostles. Imagine what it must have been like to see Jesus, risen from the grave! While we won't celebrate this special occasion for many more weeks in the church, let's find out what happened on the day of Pentecost.


Talk about it

  • What do you think a “tongue of fire” looks like? Can you picture it?

  • What convinced the people around the apostles that Jesus was Lord?

  • What do you think it means that “Peter’s words pierced their hearts”?

  • What did the people do to show that they believed?

  • Talk about the community of believers described at the end of today’s story. Are you in a community of believers that looks like the early church?

  • If you could experience any part of that community, what would you like most?


Closing Thought

The Holy Spirit’s arrival had been promised by Jesus before his death: “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you.” (John 14:16–17). How do we know what the Spirit of God looks like among us today? By knowing who Jesus is, reading what he is like, and looking for his presence in the world. Wherever there is love, there you will find the Holy Spirit. In a dark world, love is a flaming tongue of fire, lighting the way and making the darkness flee. When we turn toward God, we naturally turn away from things that are not of God. That’s where the Holy Spirit meets us, in the turning and in the constant decision to walk in his light.


Prayer Prompt

Praise God for his ever-present Spirit! Praise God for always being with you and for guiding you. 


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New devotions are posted every day by one of our Lutheran pastors in the Western North Dakota Synod. 

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