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Faith Family Tree


Read: Matthew 1

This passage of scripture tells us the "genealogy" of Jesus. It has lots of hard names and seems like a bunch of unimportant information, but it's actually really important to the story of Jesus. Jesus, was born into a long line of kings! In order to be a king in the Bible, you had to be part of a certain family - the family of David. This piece of scripture tells us that Jesus comes from the right family to be a king! 


Maybe you recognize some of the names that are being read - can you think of stories of those people and why they are important? (it's okay if you can't, there is lots of names) This is kind of like how we know the stories of people in our family, even if we never even met them.

Activity for the week

Take time this week to draw out your family tree. Then, try to fill in information about your family's faith - where did those people go to church? Were they Lutheran, Catholic, Baptist, or something else? Are there any pastors or missionaries in your family? Is there a family Bible, baptismal gown, or other faith based object that's passed down in your family? You might have to call someone and ask these questions, but this is the story of your family's faith and how you got to be where you are today! â€‹

Faith Family Tree

Read: 2 Timothy 1:3-7

This passage of scripture speaks about faith being handed down in families. Paul, the person who writes this letter, is talking to Timothy, who has been taught about God by his mother and grandmother. But Paul tells Timothy that even though he was taught about God by people in his family, there is still work to do - because while our families teach us about God, it's up to us to decide exactly what we believe and how. 


Today, continue working on your family tree. But as you do so, think of people that have taught you about God. Maybe that's your mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, or maybe it's a friend, a coach, or your Godparents.

Activity for the day

Pick one person who you think has taught you about God that has been really important to you. Take time to draw them a picture, write a card, or send a video of you thanking them for teaching you about God and helping shape your faith. They may not even know they helped you so it's always good to thank people for making a difference in your life! 


Faith Family Tree

Read: Ruth 1:16

The book of Ruth tells the story of a mother who takes in two women as part of her family after their husbands have died. Ruth and Naomi become just like family - going everywhere together. 

Families take on all shapes and sizes. There is no right or wrong way to be a family. All it takes is people who love and support one another! 


Activity for the Day

Take time today to draw a picture of your family. Once you have drawn everyone that you consider 'family', pray for them. Thank God for them and say a prayer for anything they might need. 

Faith Family Tree

Read: Genesis 37:23-28

This is a piece of Joseph's story - the same Joseph who wore a coat of many colors. Joseph's brothers didn't like him very much because their father was so nice to Joseph, and he had special abilities he often rubbed in their faces. So they decide they don't want him around anymore. 

Sometimes, our families are not always perfect or easy to get along with. Sometimes, we fight with our parents or our siblings and there are even sometimes we wish we had a different family. But if you read the rest of Joseph's story, in the end he and his brothers makeup and end up loving each other very much. God has placed them in this family for a reason. 

Questions for Thought

1.   Have you ever fought with a brother or sister? What did you fight about? How did you end up forgiving each other?

2.   Have you ever wished you had a different family? Why? What makes you love your family?

3.   What are some things that your family does that other families don't do that you really like? Maybe you camp, hunt, fish, or have some tradition you do together?


Make sure to say a prayer for your family today and ask God to help you see the good parts and to help you love your brothers and sisters even when they make you mad. If you need to, also ask God to help your family love each other and care for each other if there are things that are not feeling very good right now. (And remember, if something bad or scary is happening, you should also tell an adult so they can help.)

Children of God

video & Discussion Questions

1. What is a special skill you have?

2. What is a special skill you wished you had? Why?

3. In the story, what is the 'skill' the little girl has that the King notices?

4. Why does God love us? Does God love us because we are really talented? Or does God love us just because we are God's children? 


Made For This

Get up and Dance!

1. What kind of things can we do that might bring joy to God?

2. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? How can you serve God with those skills? (You don't have to be a pastor or Sunday school teacher to serve God with your job). 

3. God made the whole world, which includes YOU! What about you is special or unique? 


Say a short prayer to God today for making you just the way you are and for loving you no matter what. Then, ask God to help guide you toward whatever purpose God made you for. 


For Further Study

Family and Children Devotional Recommendations by Pastor Kayla


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