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Family Devotion: Day 1


Matthew 26:26 - While they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take and eat. This is my body.” 


2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - He said to me, “My grace is enough for you, because power is made perfect in weakness.” So I’ll gladly spend my time bragging about my weaknesses so that Christ’s power can rest on me. Therefore, I’m all right with weaknesses, insults, disasters, harassments, and stressful situations for the sake of Christ, because when I’m weak, then I’m strong.


Think About It:

Usually when something is broken, we throw it away. We see it as useless. But that's not how God works! It is often times our brokenness that makes us useful to God! And if brokenness makes us useful to God, what does it mean to be broken? Well, brokenness means admitting that we aren't perfect, and never will be. It means being honest that we sin and do things wrong sometimes, but that we are willing to change and try again. 

Jesus didn't just tell us it's okay to be broken, Jesus was willing to be broken himself. The difference between us and Jesus though, is that Jesus wasn't broken because of sin, but because he trusted and listened to God. God used Jesus' broken body on the cross to bring us salvation - which is a fancy way of saying God forgives us and promises to be with us always, NO MATTER WHAT! Jesus showed us that being broken, can be beautiful and wonderful! 


Questions for Discussion:

  • In what way does Jesus show us that being broken is a good thing?

  • Have you ever broken something? What did you do with the broken item after it broke?

  • Is brokenness something that we do to ourselves or something that is done to us?

  • What is one thing about you that is beautiful, wonderful, or unique?

Family Devotions: Week 3


John 13:1-20


Think About It:

In this story ​Jesus eats his final meal with his 12 best friends, the disciples. He washed their feet, blessed bread and wine and shared it with them. And reminded them to love and serve one another. Jesus knew that he didn't have much time left to spend with his friends but he wanted to show them how much he loved them, and all people, and to enjoy a meal with them. This week, we remember the last couple of days that Jesus spends on earth, before he dies on the cross for us. On Thursday, we celebrate what is called "Maundy Thursday", which is the day that we read this story and take communion to remember this great gift that Jesus gave us. Some churches even wash the feet of other people. When we do all these things, we are reminded that Jesus loved his friends, but he also loves us very much - so much that he gave us his life, even though he knew that we would never be perfect and would often forget to love and serve our neighbors. 


Questions for Discussion:

  • How often does your family eat meals together? Where do you eat?

  • Is there special meals during the year that you look forward to?

  • Jesus washes his disciples feet, which were probably really stinky and dirty from walking around in sandals. How would you feel if you had to wash someone's feet? What if someone washed yours? 

  • What are some other ways that we might show our friends that we love them, like Jesus shows his disciples?

Questions for Discussion:

  • If you were a Wimmick, would you get more stars or dots?

  • What would 3 of the stars/dots would be for?

  • Do you have a Lucia or Eli in your life? (Someone who reminds you that you are special and loved no matter what?)


Dear God, thank you for making me special. Thank you for loving me no matter what, even if I'm not the best at something. Help me remember to tell others they are special too, just because you made them! Amen. 

Family Devotion: Day 2

Family Devotions: Week 3

This video is the story of Holy Week (and the season of Easter) as told by two little girls. Watch the video. Then take time to talk with your family about what they understand Holy Week to be. Answer these questions to help you.


Questions for Discussion:

  • What is Holy Week? Why do you think we make such a big deal of it?

  • What is Maundy Thursday?

  • What is Good Friday?

  • What happens on Easter?

  • Why does Jesus die on the cross?

  • What happens to the disciples after Jesus dies?

  • How do we know about all that happened on this special week?

Read: Genesis 1 from the Message Bible ( or a children's story bible. 


Questions for Discussion:

  • What is your favorite thing about nature?

  • When God created the world, God said it was good! What other words could you use to describe creation?

  • What are some ways we can show God we care about the world God gave us to live in?


Make a basic bird feeder. You can do this by putting circle shaped cereal on a pipe cleaner and creating an 'O' shape. Then hang the 'O" on a branch outside.

Other ideas for fun, family-friendly bird projects can be found online! Use your imagination and what supplies you already have handy.  



Dear God, thank you for creating the whole world. Thank you for the birds that remind us that spring is coming. Help us to remember to care for the world and everything in it. Amen. 

Family Devotion: Day 3

Family Devotions: Week 3

Do a family scavenger hunt - either collecting items or taking photos of them if your kids are old enough to use a phone or camera. Collect an item that reminds you or signifies each of these words that might be heard during Holy Week. 


Words to Collect:

  • Fear

  • Dark

  • Witness

  • Friends

  • Wait

  • Fire

  • Remember

  • Eat

  • Silence

  • Love

  • Cross

  • Alone

  • Grace


Jeremiah 9:24

No, those who boast should boast in this:
    that they understand and know me.
I am the Lord who acts with kindness,
    justice, and righteousness in the world,
        and I delight in these things,
            declares the Lord.


John 17:3

This is eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you sent.


Philippians 3:8
But even beyond that, I consider everything a loss in comparison with the superior value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have lost everything for him, but what I lost I think of as sewer trash, so that I might gain Christ.


Think About It:

Do you know your mail carrier? How about your grandparents? How about the Queen of England? Or your best friend? There are different ways to 'know' people, isn't there? Some people we don't really 'know', we just know about them. And even among those we know, there are different levels of how well we know someone. 

The Bible says that we are made to know God. But a person can know a lot about God and not really know him. We can know all the books of the Bible and all it's stories and hardly know God at all. We can also go to church and read lots of books and still not really know God. 

We get to know people when we take time to talk to them and interact with them, by sharing our life with them. The same is true about getting to know God! God is so magnificent that it's worth taking the time to get to know God our whole lives. But we have to talk to Go and listen to what God says and spend time with God in order to really know God. Knowing God helps us trust him more. 


Questions for Discussion:

  • Who is someone you know really well? How did you get to know them?

  • What is one thing you know about God?

  • What is one thing you would like to know more about God?

Family Devotion: Day 4

I've heard many of our mothers express that one of their favorite times of the day is the morning when they wake up and are able to have a cup of coffee and do their devotions, journaling, or reading before the kids are up and running. Whether that's because it's a moment of peace, a time for self-care, or the ability to start our day focused on things that really matter, it is a practice that brings joy and helps foster an attitude of gratitude. Today's activity is a adaptation of this practice for families to try together! 


Gather and Prepare:

  • Gather together a large jar or container, some paper, and markers or pens. 

  • Get a mug for each member of your family and prepare a beverage of their choice - coffee, hot chocolate, tea, milk, juice, etc...  (bonus points if you find time to decorate mugs for each person so they have their own!)

  • Gather around the table, kitchen island, or even outside if it is nice enough. 

  • Make sure each person has a drink, a piece of paper, and something to write with. 


Hold a "Gratitude Cafe":

  • Say, “There are so many things for which we can be thankful: the air we breathe, the home we live in, the clothes we wear. Let’s each take a moment and write down some of the things we are thankful for. Let’s try to each write down five things, and then we will share them.”

    • Some may need prompting for this activity, especially at first. Ask leading questions:

      • Are you thankful for any material blessings of this past week?

      • Thankful for anything special we have done as a family?

      • Thankful for any lessons you have learned?​

    • Have younger children draw pictures instead of writing.

  • After a time of silent writing, say, “Let’s share the things we are thankful for with one another.”  As everyone shares, place your slips of paper in the jar or container. 

  • Once everyone has shared, close by saying together, “God, we are thankful for all of these blessings, Amen.


Making it a Tradition!

Try to incorporate this at regular intervals throughout your family’s life. Saturday mornings are a great time for many families, as are Sunday evenings. If the cafe moment needs to be cancelled for some reason, make an effort to reschedule within a day or two. At the end of the year, or on Thanksgiving, you can pull out your jar and read out all the things your family has given thanks to God for in the past year. Not only is it a great 'year in review' activity, but it reminds of all the blessings we have received that we may have forgotten!



Family Devotion: Day 5

Family Devotion: Day 6

Let's get up and move! 

Did you know that we can praise God with our whole bodies and not just by reading the Bible or praying? Even if it seems a bit silly sometimes, playing and dancing are a great way to give thanks to God for making us the way that we are. God made us with bones and muscles that enable us to move - so let's do just that! 


Learn the words and dance moves to this song to remind us that God is the light - even when the world seems too big or scary or confusing. And don't forget to take a picture of flat Jesus dancing with you! 

Family Devotion: Day 7


Matthew 5:6 - God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied. 


Psalm 145:16 - When you open your hand, you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing. 


Think About It:

Imagine your family is driving down the interstate, and everyone's stomach is starting to growl. You already had fast food for lunch and now you want a nice meal. But as the exits pass and no good restaurants are in sight, you finally give in and go for what is easy and might satisfy the stomach but isn't necessarily nourishing. Then sure enough, the next exit down the road has your favorite sit down restaurant. But now you are all filled up on junk food!

Sometimes we wonder why we have no appetite to read the Bible, no hunger to get to know God better. We know that we should but we just can seem to want those things. Often that's because we are filled up on other things - like when we fill up on chips right before dinner. The noise of the TV, the lure of the computer, the ring of the phone can clutter our minds and fill up our days to the point that we don't have room left for scripture or listening for God. We filled up with other stuff and now we can't work up a hunger for God. 

God has given us a great deal of freedom in what we feed our schedules and our souls. Are you filling up on the junk of this world or working up a big appetite for God? 


Questions for Discussion:

  • In your opinion, what meal or restaurant is worth saving up an appetite for?

  • Why do you think we fill up on 'junk' instead of God?

  • What "junk food" do you need to spend less time filling up on so that you'll have more room for God? (This is what Lent is really all about!)

Family Devotions: Week 4

This week, we will discuss the armor of God. Each day will have a different focus, but around the same scripture. â€‹Each day, start by reading the text, then answer the questions for that day. Once you are done with the questions, consider making a piece of the armor with supplies you have around the house. At the end of the week, you'll have the full armor of God to put on. 


Read: Ephesians 6:10-18


Monday: Belt of truth

  • What does it mean to tell the truth?

  • What do you think "the truth" is about God?

  • What kind of things make us doubt the truth about God?

  • What are some lies you know to be untrue about God?

Tuesday: Breastplate of righteousness

  • Where does the breastplate go?

  • What important part of our body would be protected by this?

  • How does God's word and promises protect us and make us feel safe?

Wednesday: Feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace (shoes)

  • What are some things you do to get ready for the day? How do you know when you are ready?

  • If we put on shoes, what does that mean to the people around us?

  • Where are some places that we go that we see people?

  • What does it mean to spread peace? How do we do that?

  • If someone asked you who Jesus was and you had 1 minute to respond, what would you say?

Thursday: Shield of faith

  • The shield of faith protects us from attacks from the devil - who is the devil? What do you think about the devil?

  • What are some things we are tempted to do wrong? 

  • Have you ever had someone question your faith or think you were wrong about God? What was that like?

Friday: Helmet of salvation

  • "Salvation" means "to be saved" - what are some things that we need to be saved from?

  • Why do we wear helmets?

  • When we put on a helmet, we protect ourselves from things that can hurt us. God's salvation protects us from what?

Saturday: Sword of the Spirit

  • A sword is a weapon - what are some "weapons" we have to fight for God? (talents, resources, etc...)

  • Sometimes the Bible is called a sword because it is our main way of knowing and learning about God - where is your Bible? What do you like about it? What is hard about reading the Bible?



Family Devotions: Week 5



Read: Joshua 1:9


Questions for Discussion:

  • What is something you are afraid of?

  • What do you do when you are afraid?

  • How does this song tell us we should deal with our fears? 

Family Devotions: Week 5

Read: Hebrews 10:24-25


Play: Have family members extend their arms straight out to the sides. Start a timer. See how long everyone can hold this position. When one person’s arms drop, the timer stops. Repeat to try and set a family record. As you do this a second or third time, encourage each other as you grow tired of holding up your arms, so you can set a new family record.


Talk: Sometimes encouragement from others can help us do things we couldn’t do alone. As followers of Christ and members of His body, we are told to encourage one another. This is especially important when life gets tough. We need to take time to encourage our friends and family by sharing God’s Word with them. We can remind them that whatever happens, Jesus will help them keep going. Whom can you encourage today?


Pray: Ask God to help you become more aware of those who need encouragement.

Family Devotions: Week 5

Read: Psalm 91


Talk: The Bible teaches us that drawing near to God will result in His perfect protection. God acts as a Mighty Fortress, or shield, between us and evil. And when we trust in God’s protection, we don’t have to fear what could happen to us. As children of God who have accepted His free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, we can be assured of His ability to protect us from harm.



  1. What does God’s “shadow” give us?

  2. How do we stay near to God?

  3. What animal is used to compare God’s protection?  

  4. Why does God protect us?


Optional Activity: Gather random objects from around your house (craft supplies, pantry items, boxes, sticks, etc...) and build a "fortress" together. Talk about why your finished fortress would be good at protecting something or not. 


Pray: Thank God for protecting you and others from sickness and harm. Pray for those who need protection and don't have it - like those who do not have homes or jobs right now. 

Family Devotion: Day 8

Read: Philippians 4:4-7 - Be glad in the Lord always! Again I say, be glad! Let your gentleness show in your treatment of all people. The Lord is near. Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus.


Questions for Discussion:

  • What is prayer?

  • When do we pray? When CAN we pray?

  • What are some things we can pray for?

  • Talk about some prayers you know by heart (Lord's prayer, bedtime prayers, mealtime prayers, etc...)



Make a paper chain, a physical "prayer chain". 

  1. Cut out slips of paper.

  2. Allow members of your family to write down things they want to pray for. You can either do this by writing one prayer per slip of paper, or doing one slip per day and watching your chain grow as time passes. 

  3. Glue the slips of paper together in rings to create a chain. 

  4. Hang the chain somewhere your family frequently is so that they may be reminded to add to the chain and keep praying to God. 


Family Devotion: Day 9

Read: Genesis 37:1-28 to hear the story of Joseph and his brothers. 


Questions for Discussion:

  • Why didn't Joseph's brothers like him very much?

  • What make Joseph special?

  • What was wrong with the way Joseph treated his brothers?

  • Have you ever been angry with your siblings? What do you do or say when you are frustrated with them?

  • What things do you love about your family?



Dear God, thank you for giving us a family. Help us to remember that even when we are angry or annoyed with our family, we need to love them. And be with all the people who can't see their families right now so that they may not be lonely or sad. Amen. 


Family Devotions: Week 3


John 13:1-20


Think About It:

In this story ​Jesus eats his final meal with his 12 best friends, the disciples. He washed their feet, blessed bread and wine and shared it with them. And reminded them to love and serve one another. Jesus knew that he didn't have much time left to spend with his friends but he wanted to show them how much he loved them, and all people, and to enjoy a meal with them. This week, we remember the last couple of days that Jesus spends on earth, before he dies on the cross for us. On Thursday, we celebrate what is called "Maundy Thursday", which is the day that we read this story and take communion to remember this great gift that Jesus gave us. Some churches even wash the feet of other people. When we do all these things, we are reminded that Jesus loved his friends, but he also loves us very much - so much that he gave us his life, even though he knew that we would never be perfect and would often forget to love and serve our neighbors. 


Questions for Discussion:

  • How often does your family eat meals together? Where do you eat?

  • Is there special meals during the year that you look forward to?

  • Jesus washes his disciples feet, which were probably really stinky and dirty from walking around in sandals. How would you feel if you had to wash someone's feet? What if someone washed yours? 

  • What are some other ways that we might show our friends that we love them, like Jesus shows his disciples?

Family Devotions: Week 3

This video is the story of Holy Week (and the season of Easter) as told by two little girls. Watch the video. Then take time to talk with your family about what they understand Holy Week to be. Answer these questions to help you.


Questions for Discussion:

  • What is Holy Week? Why do you think we make such a big deal of it?

  • What is Maundy Thursday?

  • What is Good Friday?

  • What happens on Easter?

  • Why does Jesus die on the cross?

  • What happens to the disciples after Jesus dies?

  • How do we know about all that happened on this special week?

Family Devotions: Week 3

Do a family scavenger hunt - either collecting items or taking photos of them if your kids are old enough to use a phone or camera. Collect an item that reminds you or signifies each of these words that might be heard during Holy Week. 


Words to Collect:

  • Fear

  • Dark

  • Witness

  • Friends

  • Wait

  • Fire

  • Remember

  • Eat

  • Silence

  • Love

  • Cross

  • Alone

  • Grace

Family Devotions: Week 4

This week, we will discuss the armor of God. Each day will have a different focus, but around the same scripture. â€‹Each day, start by reading the text, then answer the questions for that day. Once you are done with the questions, consider making a piece of the armor with supplies you have around the house. At the end of the week, you'll have the full armor of God to put on. 


Read: Ephesians 6:10-18


Monday: Belt of truth

  • What does it mean to tell the truth?

  • What do you think "the truth" is about God?

  • What kind of things make us doubt the truth about God?

  • What are some lies you know to be untrue about God?

Tuesday: Breastplate of righteousness

  • Where does the breastplate go?

  • What important part of our body would be protected by this?

  • How does God's word and promises protect us and make us feel safe?

Wednesday: Feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace (shoes)

  • What are some things you do to get ready for the day? How do you know when you are ready?

  • If we put on shoes, what does that mean to the people around us?

  • Where are some places that we go that we see people?

  • What does it mean to spread peace? How do we do that?

  • If someone asked you who Jesus was and you had 1 minute to respond, what would you say?

Thursday: Shield of faith

  • The shield of faith protects us from attacks from the devil - who is the devil? What do you think about the devil?

  • What are some things we are tempted to do wrong? 

  • Have you ever had someone question your faith or think you were wrong about God? What was that like?

Friday: Helmet of salvation

  • "Salvation" means "to be saved" - what are some things that we need to be saved from?

  • Why do we wear helmets?

  • When we put on a helmet, we protect ourselves from things that can hurt us. God's salvation protects us from what?

Saturday: Sword of the Spirit

  • A sword is a weapon - what are some "weapons" we have to fight for God? (talents, resources, etc...)

  • Sometimes the Bible is called a sword because it is our main way of knowing and learning about God - where is your Bible? What do you like about it? What is hard about reading the Bible?



Family Devotions: Week 5



Read: Joshua 1:9


Questions for Discussion:

  • What is something you are afraid of?

  • What do you do when you are afraid?

  • How does this song tell us we should deal with our fears? 

Family Devotions: Week 5

Read: Hebrews 10:24-25


Play: Have family members extend their arms straight out to the sides. Start a timer. See how long everyone can hold this position. When one person’s arms drop, the timer stops. Repeat to try and set a family record. As you do this a second or third time, encourage each other as you grow tired of holding up your arms, so you can set a new family record.


Talk: Sometimes encouragement from others can help us do things we couldn’t do alone. As followers of Christ and members of His body, we are told to encourage one another. This is especially important when life gets tough. We need to take time to encourage our friends and family by sharing God’s Word with them. We can remind them that whatever happens, Jesus will help them keep going. Whom can you encourage today?


Pray: Ask God to help you become more aware of those who need encouragement.

Family Devotions: Week 5

Read: Psalm 91


Talk: The Bible teaches us that drawing near to God will result in His perfect protection. God acts as a Mighty Fortress, or shield, between us and evil. And when we trust in God’s protection, we don’t have to fear what could happen to us. As children of God who have accepted His free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, we can be assured of His ability to protect us from harm.



  1. What does God’s “shadow” give us?

  2. How do we stay near to God?

  3. What animal is used to compare God’s protection?  

  4. Why does God protect us?


Optional Activity: Gather random objects from around your house (craft supplies, pantry items, boxes, sticks, etc...) and build a "fortress" together. Talk about why your finished fortress would be good at protecting something or not. 


Pray: Thank God for protecting you and others from sickness and harm. Pray for those who need protection and don't have it - like those who do not have homes or jobs right now. 

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