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March 22nd, 4th Sunday in Lent


Gospel Reading

"Light in the Darkness"

Watch after the sermon

"Song of the Day"

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Sermon - Blinded by Darkness

Midweek Lenten Message: Lament 4


Healing God, throughout all of scripture you hear the cries of your people. You hear them as they share their greatest struggles and deepest sorrows, and promise them that because of Your love, they will never be consumed. Help us, God of Compassion, to know and trust these same promises, and to always take refuge in your unfailing love. We ask this through Christ our Lord, who died to save us all. Amen. 



May God grant you light, even when the darkness is deep.
May God grant you the grace of time to heal your wounds.

And may you know, that even when the storms rage,
not a hair on your head will be harmed.
For God goes with you now and + always.  Amen.

Pastor Carter Hill, Prairie Lutheran Parish

March 29th, 5th Sunday in Lent



Flat Jesus


Children's Message

Song of the Day

Gospel Lesson (movie form)

Midweek Lenten Message: Lament 5


Healing God, throughout all of scripture you hear the cries of your people. You hear them as they share their greatest struggles and deepest sorrows, and promise them that because of Your love, they will never be consumed. Help us, God of Compassion, to know and trust these same promises, and to always take refuge in your unfailing love. We ask this through Christ our Lord, who died to save us all. Amen. 



May God grant you light, even when the darkness is deep.
May God grant you the grace of time to heal your wounds.

And may you know, that even when the storms rage,
not a hair on your head will be harmed.
For God goes with you now and + always.  Amen.

Pastor Zach Shipman, Northwest United Lutheran Parish

April 5th, Palm Sunday


Gospel Reading & Sermon

Song of the Day


  • Maundy Thursday will be an at-home service to be done around the family table. You can use your own materials and the online bulletin, or request a kit to be assembled. Kit requests are due tomorrow, Monday the 6th. If you are interested, please fill out the form on this page:

  • Good Friday will be a virtual, reflective experience found here on our sermon page. The service will be posted by 6pm Friday evening. 

  • Please do not forget to continue sending in your offering!  If you are a member of Holy Cross and would like to try online giving, this is now an option! Please follow this link to give electronically, either by debit/credit card or ACH bank transfer.

  • Palms are set out at Holy Cross for anyone who would like to take some for projects or to display in their home. 

  • Holy Cross Council will meet this Wednesday, at 7pm via zoom. Please check your email for the link to join. 

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